IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment: Bài mẫu Task 2

Trở lại với series bài mẫu phân loại theo chủ đề Writing thông dụng, hôm nay hãy cùng WESET khám phá topic IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment Task 2 – bao gồm hướng dẫn phân tích đề, bài mẫu & từ vựng bạn nhé!

Phân tích topic IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment

Sau đây là một số subtopic có thể được hỏi với chủ đề Crime trong Writing:

Types of Crimes (Các loại tội phạm)

Thảo luận về các loại tội phạm khác nhau, chẳng hạn như bạo lực, tội phạm mạng, ma túy hoặc tội phạm vị thành niên.

  • Causes: Causes of different types of crimes can vary widely. For example, violent crimes may result from poverty, social inequality, or personal conflicts, while cybercrimes may stem from technological advancements and anonymity.
  • Problems: The problems associated with different types of crimes include physical harm, emotional distress, financial loss, and damage to personal or corporate reputation.
  • Solutions: Solutions may involve stricter law enforcement, public awareness campaigns, improved security measures, and educational programs to address the root causes of specific crimes.

Causes of Crime (Nguyên nhân của tội phạm)

Phân tích các yếu tố góp phần dẫn đến hành vi phạm tội, bao gồm các yếu tố kinh tế xã hội, trình độ giáo dục của gia đình, các vấn đề sức khỏe tâm thần hoặc áp lực từ bạn bè.

  • Causes: Crime causation can be attributed to factors like poverty, lack of education, substance abuse, mental health issues, and family breakdowns.
  • Problems: The problems arising from crime causes include increased crime rates, social instability, and economic burdens on society.
  • Solutions: Solutions may include poverty alleviation programs, improved access to education and healthcare, substance abuse treatment, and family support services.

Crime Prevention (Phòng chống tội phạm)

Đề xuất các chiến lược ngăn ngừa tội phạm – bao gồm chính sách cộng đồng, chương trình giáo dục hoặc các biện pháp kiểm soát súng.

  • Causes: Prevention efforts are often driven by the need to reduce the opportunities and incentives for criminal behavior.
  • Problems: Challenges in crime prevention include limited resources, resistance to change, and the difficulty of predicting and preventing all crimes.
  • Solutions: Solutions may involve community policing, increased law enforcement presence, neighborhood watch programs, and public education on crime prevention.

Criminal Justice System (Hệ thống tư pháp hình sự)

Thảo luận về các thành phần của hệ thống tư pháp hình sự, bao gồm cảnh sát, tòa án và cơ quan cải huấn. Bạn có thể được yêu cầu trình bày sơ lược về cách các hệ thống này hoạt động và vai trò của chúng trong việc ngăn ngừa tội phạm.

  • Causes: The criminal justice system is established to enforce laws, maintain order, and protect citizens’ rights.
  • Problems: Problems can include inefficiencies, bias, and disparities in the system, leading to issues like wrongful convictions and overcrowded prisons.
  • Solutions: Potential solutions involve reforming sentencing guidelines, addressing racial and socioeconomic disparities, and improving access to legal representation.

Punishment and Rehabilitation (Hình phạt và Tái gia nhập)

Các câu hỏi có thể tập trung vào các cách tiếp cận khác nhau để đối phó với tội phạm, chẳng hạn như giam giữ, quản chế, phục hồi công lý hoặc các chương trình tái gia nhập xã hội.

  • Causes: Punishment and rehabilitation strategies aim to address criminal behavior and protect society.
  • Problems: Problems can include the ineffectiveness of certain punitive measures, overcrowded prisons, and the risk of recidivism.
  • Solutions: Solutions may include restorative justice programs, vocational training in prisons, and evidence-based rehabilitation programs.

Death Penalty (Hình phạt tử hình)

Nêu ý kiến của bạn về hình phạt tử hình, tính hiệu quả và những cân nhắc về mặt đạo đức xung quanh nó.

  • Causes: The death penalty is used as a punishment for severe crimes.
  • Problems: Issues surrounding the death penalty include ethical concerns, the risk of wrongful execution, and its effectiveness as a deterrent.
  • Solutions: Potential solutions involve a reconsideration of its application, rigorous legal safeguards, and public discourse on its moral implications.

International Crime (Tội phạm quốc tế)

Khám phá các chủ đề liên quan đến tội phạm xuyên quốc gia – ví dụ: buôn người, buôn lậu ma túy hoặc khủng bố mạng.

  • Causes: International crimes often arise from cross-border criminal activities.
  • Problems: Problems include the difficulty of coordinating international law enforcement efforts and the impact on global security.
  • Solutions: Solutions may involve international cooperation, treaties, and organizations to combat transnational crime.

Impact of Crime on Society (Tác động đối với xã hội)

Khám phá xem tội phạm ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến cá nhân và cộng đồng, bao gồm các tác động về tâm lý, kinh tế và xã hội.

  • Causes: The impact of crime on society is a result of criminal activities.
  • Problems: Problems encompass physical and emotional trauma, economic losses, and strained community relationships.
  • Solutions: Solutions involve victim support services, counseling, and community rebuilding efforts.

Legal Reforms (Cải cách pháp lý)

Nêu đề xuất và đánh giá những cải cách pháp lý tiềm năng để cải thiện hệ thống tư pháp hình sự hoặc giảm tỷ lệ tội phạm.

  • Causes: Legal reforms are initiated to address shortcomings in the legal system.
  • Problems: Problems can include resistance to change, political opposition, and unforeseen consequences of reforms.
  • Solutions: Solutions involve careful planning, public engagement, and gradual implementation of legal reforms.

Đề bài mẫu topic IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment Task 2


“Many countries are grappling with rising crime rates. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon and suggest possible solutions.”

Topic: Crime & Punishment

Subtopic: Crime Prevention

Question Type: Problem and Solution

Brainstorm ý tưởng:

  • Nguyên nhân khiến tỷ lệ tội phạm gia tăng: bất bình đẳng về kinh tế xã hội, việc thực thi pháp luật/chính sách cộng đồng không toàn diện,
  • Giải pháp khả thi: Đầu tư vào giáo dục và đào tạo nghề, cải thiện chính sách cộng đồng, thực hiện các chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức cộng đồng.

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment Task 2 – Sample answer

In recent years, the surge in crime rates has become a pressing issue in many nations. This essay will examine the underlying causes of this phenomenon and propose potential solutions to address the rising crime problem.

One significant cause of increasing crime rates is socioeconomic inequality. When a substantial portion of the population struggles with poverty and limited access to education and employment opportunities, some individuals turn to criminal activities as a means of survival or advancement. This economic desperation can lead to theft, robbery, and even more serious offenses.

Another contributing factor is inadequate law enforcement and the lack of community policing initiatives. When communities do not feel safe or believe that law enforcement is ineffective, they may be less inclined to report crimes or cooperate with the police. This can create an environment where criminals operate with relative impunity, further exacerbating the crime problem.

To tackle these issues, governments must implement a multifaceted approach. First and foremost, addressing socioeconomic disparities is paramount. Investing in education, job training programs, and affordable housing can provide individuals with viable alternatives to a life of crime. Furthermore, improving community policing efforts, fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and the public, and increasing police presence in high-crime areas can deter criminal activities.

Additionally, crime prevention programs and public awareness campaigns should be implemented to educate citizens about the consequences of criminal behavior and encourage reporting of crimes. Restorative justice programs can also play a crucial role in rehabilitating offenders and reintegrating them into society as law-abiding citizens.

In conclusion, the surge in crime rates is a multifaceted issue with causes rooted in socioeconomic disparities and law enforcement shortcomings. However, by addressing these root causes through investments in education, community policing, and crime prevention programs, societies can hope to reduce crime rates and create safer environments for their citizens.

Một số đề bài mẫu IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment Task 2 khác

Sample 1

Subtopic: Types of Crimes

Question Type: Discussion


“Discuss the different types of crimes that have evolved with advancements in technology, and their implications for society.”

Sample Answer:

In the era of rapid technological advancements, the landscape of criminal activities has undergone significant changes, giving rise to new types of crimes. This essay will delve into the various forms of technology-related crimes and their far-reaching implications for society.

One prominent category of technological crime is cybercrime. With the internet serving as a breeding ground for criminal activities, cybercriminals engage in activities such as hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. These crimes not only result in financial losses but also compromise the privacy and security of individuals and organizations.

Another emerging category is cyberbullying, particularly prevalent among young individuals. It involves the use of technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate others online, causing emotional distress and psychological harm to victims. This type of crime highlights the darker side of social media and digital communication.

Additionally, technology has given rise to copyright infringement and intellectual property theft. With the ease of digital reproduction and distribution, individuals and entities are often targeted for their creative or proprietary content, leading to significant financial losses and legal disputes.

The implications of these technological crimes are multifaceted. They erode trust in digital platforms, hinder technological innovation, and undermine personal and corporate security. Furthermore, the challenges of prosecuting cybercriminals across international borders make it difficult to bring them to justice.

To combat these issues, governments and law enforcement agencies must prioritize cybersecurity measures, enact stringent legislation, and collaborate on international levels to apprehend cybercriminals. Additionally, public awareness campaigns should educate individuals about online safety and responsible digital behavior.

In conclusion, technological advancements have given rise to a new frontier of criminal activities, from cybercrime to cyberbullying and intellectual property theft. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that combines legal measures, cybersecurity, and public education to safeguard individuals and society at large.

Sample 2

Subtopic: Criminal Justice System

Question Type: Argumentative/Opinion


“Is the criminal justice system more focused on punishment or rehabilitation? Share your opinion on the balance between these two approaches.”

Sample Answer:

The balance between punishment and rehabilitation within the criminal justice system has long been a subject of debate. While some argue that the system leans heavily towards punishment, others advocate for a greater emphasis on rehabilitation. In my view, the ideal approach lies in a combination of both, tailored to the nature of the crime and the needs of the offender.

Punishment serves as a deterrent and a means of retribution for criminal behavior. It upholds the principle of accountability, ensuring that offenders face consequences for their actions. For certain crimes, especially those of a severe nature, punishment may be necessary to protect society and provide justice to victims.

However, rehabilitation is equally vital. Many offenders have underlying issues, such as substance abuse or mental health problems, which contribute to their criminal behavior. Focusing solely on punishment without addressing these root causes often leads to recidivism, where offenders reoffend upon release. Rehabilitation programs can provide education, therapy, and support to help individuals reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens.

The appropriate balance between punishment and rehabilitation should be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the severity of the crime, the offender’s criminal history, and their willingness to reform. For non-violent, low-risk offenders, rehabilitation efforts should take precedence, as they offer a more cost-effective and socially beneficial approach.

In conclusion, the criminal justice system should strike a balance between punishment and rehabilitation. A nuanced approach that considers the individual circumstances of offenders can lead to reduced recidivism rates and a safer society while still upholding principles of justice and accountability.

Sample 3

Subtopic: Death Penalty

Question Type: Agree or Disagree


“Do you agree or disagree with the use of the death penalty as a punishment for the most heinous crimes? Explain your viewpoint.”

Sample Answer:

The use of the death penalty as a punishment for the most heinous crimes has been a contentious issue, sparking intense debates and ethical considerations. In my perspective, I strongly disagree with the implementation of the death penalty and believe it should be abolished worldwide.

One of the primary reasons for my opposition is the risk of executing innocent individuals. The criminal justice system is not infallible, and there have been numerous cases of wrongful convictions. Once a person is executed, there is no chance for exoneration, making it an irreversible and morally troubling punishment.

Furthermore, the death penalty fails to act as a deterrent to crime. Numerous studies and statistical analyses have shown no conclusive evidence that the death penalty reduces the occurrence of violent crimes. Therefore, it lacks a utilitarian purpose in ensuring public safety.

The death penalty also raises profound ethical questions. It puts the state in the position of taking a human life, which conflicts with the principles of human rights and the intrinsic value of every individual. Society should strive for more humane and enlightened approaches to punishment and justice.

In conclusion, the death penalty is a flawed and morally questionable practice that carries the risk of executing innocent people, lacks a proven deterrent effect, and raises significant ethical concerns. It is time for societies around the world to reconsider their stance on this outdated form of punishment and seek more humane alternatives.

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Crime & Punishment Task 2 Vocabulary

English Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
Crime Tội ác
Punishment Hình phạt
Criminal Tội phạm
Law enforcement Quản lý pháp luật
Justice system Hệ thống tư pháp
Rehabilitation Phục hồi
Incarceration Kết án
Conviction Kết án tội
Sentencing Phán quyết
Juvenile delinquency Hành vi vượt ngục của thanh thiếu niên
Cybercrime Tội phạm mạng
Hacking Đột nhập mạng
Identity theft Trộm danh tính
Fraud Lừa đảo
Cyberbullying Quấy rối trực tuyến
Copyright infringement Vi phạm bản quyền
Intellectual property Tài sản trí tuệ
Recidivism Tái phạm
Rehabilitation programs Chương trình phục hồi
Restorative justice Công lý phục hồi
Community policing Cảnh sát cộng đồng
Capital punishment Hình phạt tử hình
Deterrent Sự răn đe dọa
Accountability Tính chất chịu trách nhiệm

Lời kết

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