IELTS Speaking – Topic Advertising: Từ vựng & Bài mẫu Part 1, 2, 3

Nằm trong số các chủ đề IELTS Speaking thường gặp, Advertising luôn là một “hot topic” được các học viên IELTS quan tâm và mong muốn thực hành – đặc biệt trong thời buổi “số hóa” và sự bùng nổ của marketing trên các nền tảng kỹ thuật số như hiện nay. Trong bài viết dưới đây, WESET sẽ phân tích một số câu trả lời mẫu cho Part 1, 2, 3 của chủ đề này – cũng như liệt kê các từ vựng và cấu trúc hay mà bạn đọc có thể tham khảo và sử dụng khi làm bài thi thực. Cùng tìm hiểu bạn nhé!

ielts speaking advertising

IELTS Speaking Advertising – Part 1

1. Do you like advertisements?

Yes, I like advertisements. Most of them are creative and enjoyable. Besides, the whole advertising industry helps stimulate our economy.

2. Where can you see advertisements?

Advertisements are everywhere! You can see them on television, on the radio, in magazines, on billboards, and even on the sides of buses.

3. Have you ever bought something after watching its advertisement?

Yes, sometimes. I used to buy a lot of things because of advertising, but I’ve become savvier over time – and now, I only buy things that I really need or want.

IELTS Speaking Advertising – Part 2

Q: Describe an advertisement you saw recently. You should say:

  • Where and when you saw it
  • What was the product/ service advertised
  • What was the content of the advertisement
  • How you felt about it

A few weeks ago, while sitting in the cinema with my friends, I saw a hilarious ad that really captured my attention. It was a short commercial for a new type of instant noodles.

In the ad, there was a noodle cup and a thermos flask – the former played the role of a girl, and the latter a guy. She asked him “Why do you like me?” – to which he replied that it was because of her appearance – or, more specifically, her appealing label.

She was not happy and said, “All you cared about was my look”. At that moment, the flask panicked and answered “No, I also love you because of the prawn flavor in you, and your unique spicy and sour taste”.

She then cried “Yeah, you mean I have a bad temper”. Following was a moment of silence – before the flask finally said “I loved you because you completed me; you made me feel special even when I was only half-full”.

My friends and I couldn’t stop laughing during the commercial. To me, it was a very creative idea from the advertisers – by mentioning a common situation in couples’ relationships and making fun of it. To be honest, I would really love to buy their products after seeing that ad!

IELTS Speaking Advertising – Part 3

1. What makes an advertisement effective?

To me, it depends heavily on whether those in charge of the advertisement have a clear idea of their target audience – and plan the content accordingly. Young people are normally attracted by ads that are cool, hip, and fashionable; while older people tend to be more practical-minded.

If the advertisement is geared towards the younger generations, then showing how the product helps them be more attractive, confident, and successful is an idea worth considering. In addition, catchy music also helps attract attention and help listeners remember it.

If you are trying to reach the older generation, explaining how the product will give them better health, or help them relax and be happier may appeal to them.

2. Do you think young and old people have the same attitude when it comes to advertising?

I think not. Each person has their own unique attitude toward advertisements and the advantages that they bring.

For example, young people are more likely to be influenced by ads that feature celebrities or have a catchy tune. On the other hand, older people tend to be more interested in ads that offer them a discount – or talk about the product’s features in detail.

In general, I think it’s fair to say that young people are more easily swayed by advertising than older people.

3. Do you think advertisements can influence people to buy things?

Yes, definitely! When people make purchasing decisions, their tendency is to go with a brand that they recognize. If an ad is shown multiple times to them, they will become more familiar with the product/ service in that ad – and this can lead to them eventually buying the product.

For example, in my country, many teenagers and adults alike love to drink Coca-Cola. Why? Because Coca-Cola has been very successful in marketing their product – and we see their ads everywhere we go!

In conclusion, advertising can have a huge impact on people’s purchasing decisions. And more often than not, it is the brands that are able to effectively market themselves that come out on top.

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking chủ đề Advertising

Tổng hợp một số vocabulary topic Advertising từ các bài mẫu kể trên:
  • to capture (someone’s) attention: thu hút sự chú ý của (ai đó)
  • thermos flask: bình giữ nhiệt
  • prawn flavor: hương vị tôm
  • to be in charge of (something): chịu trách nhiệm về (cái gì đó)
  • target audience: đối tượng/ khách hàng mục tiêu
  • gear (something) towards (someone/ something): hướng (sản phẩm/ nội dung) tới một nhóm đối tượng cụ thể
  • catchy: hấp dẫn (âm nhạc)
  • sway: thuyết phục ai đó
  • purchasing decisions: quyết định mua hàng
  • tendency: khuynh hướng
  • on top: ở trên cùng
  • to come out on top: vươn lên dẫn đầu (cạnh tranh)
  • branding: xây dựng thương hiệu
  • to be successful in (doing) something: thành công khi (làm) điều gì
  • impact: ảnh hưởng/ tác động

Lời kết

Hy vọng những gợi ý trên đây sẽ giúp bạn đọc quen thuộc hơn với topic Advertising – một chủ đề phổ biến nhưng cũng không kém phần “hóc búa” trong IELTS Speaking. Để cập nhật thêm những mẹo thi IELTS mới nhất từ trung tâm, đừng quên đăng ký nhận bản tin – cũng như tham khảo thư viện bài mẫu của WESET bạn nhé!

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