IELTS Writing Task 2 – Subjects at school | Bài mẫu

sample writing task 2 subjects at school

Đề bài: Task 2: Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should concentrate on only those subjects that they find interesting. Discuss both the views and provide your opinion.

1. Hướng dẫn làm bài

  • Introduction

– Dẫn dắt vào topic của bài gồm 2 views đề đưa ra (2 câu)

– Nêu mục đích bài viết ( câu 3)

  • Body

– Body paragraph 1: Nêu quan điểm của người viết (Học sinh nên học cân bằng các môn), chứng minh

– Body paragraph 2 : Nêu quan điểm còn lại (Học sinh nên đầu tư vào môn mà chúng thích), chứng minh

  • Kết bài

– Khẳng định lại quan điểm người viết

2. Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề Subjects at school

In the education system, there are two opposing views regarding the focus of teenagers on subjects they study. Some people believe that teenagers should strike a balance between academic subjects while others argue that they should spend more time on those they find interesting. In this essay, I will explore the topic from both perspectives and then express my own opinion on this matter.

On the one hand, it is my contention that high school kids should put equal effort into all subjects. The rationale behind this belief is that having a broad knowledge base is important for teenagers, as it helps them to understand the world around them. In fact, the curriculum for secondary education is structured mostly around the fundamentals of core areas of knowledge and hence focusing on only a few ones may limit teenagers’ perception of the natural and social world, as well as prevent them from developing a well-rounded education. To illustrate this point, imagine teachers letting a school kid off the bulk of math knowledge just because he takes no interest in that field. The implications of this for his later life would be wider when it comes to tasks that need basic calculations like paying taxes or sorting out his personal financial matters.

On the other hand, some people argue that teenagers should concentrate on only those subjects in which they find pleasure. One argument is that teenagers are more likely to succeed in their studies if they are passionate about what they are learning. For instance, if a child is spotted with an innate sense of music then in order for it to be nurtured, he must be allowed to devote himself to it. Meanwhile, it is believed that when students are forced to study subjects that they do not enjoy, they are less likely to engage with the material and more likely to become disinterested in their studies, leading to ineffective knowledge acquisition.

In conclusion, the debate over whether teenagers should focus on all subjects equally or only those that they find interesting is a complex one. While there are valid arguments on both sides, I still believe that students should be encouraged to study a wide range of subjects in order for them to be well-equipped for their later life.

3. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề Subjects at school

  • Regarding (adv) : liên quan tới
  • Strike a balance between (v): cân bằng giữa cái gì đó
  • Contention (n): nhận định, ý kiến
  • Rationale (behind something): cái lý do, logic của cái gì đó
  • Be structured around something: được xây dựng dựa trên cái gì
  • Fundamentals (n): những điều cơ bản
  • Perception of (n) sự nhận thức về cái gì đó
  • Well-rounded (a) toàn diện
  • Let somebody off something (phrasal verb): cho phép ai khỏi làm điều gì đó
  • Bulk (n): cái lượng, cái đống gì đó
  • Implication (n) : cái hệ quả, cái ảnh hưởng
  • Sort out (v): giải quyết, sắp xếp 1 vấn đề gì đó
  • Be spotted with: được phát hiện/ trông thấy là có cái gì đó
  • Innate (a) : tự nhiên mà có, bẩm sinh
  • Well-equipped (a) : được trang bị đầy đủ

Có thể bạn quan tâm:


– Cam kết IELTS đầu ra 6.5+ bằng văn bản

– Đội ngũ giáo viên có điểm IELTS trung bình từ 7.5, có chứng chỉ sư phạm/ TESOL/ CELTA

– Tư vấn và học thử miễn phí

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