IELTS Speaking Names – Sample Questions & Answers Part 1

Với series bài mẫu theo chủ đề Speaking hôm nay, hãy cùng WESET khám phá topic IELTS Speaking Names – qua một số câu hỏi & câu trả lời mẫu cho Part 1, kèm từ vựng bổ ích bạn nhé!

IELTS Speaking Names – Part 1

Question 1: What’s your full name?


My full name is Nguyễn Văn An.

Question 2: Does your name have any special meaning?


Yes, my name does have a special meaning. “Nguyễn” is a common family name in Vietnam, and “An” means “peace.”

Question 3: Are there any famous people with the same name as you?


Yes, there are many people with the name Nguyễn Văn An in Vietnam since both “Nguyễn” and “Văn” are very common names here. However, I don’t know any famous person specifically with the exact same name.

Question 4: Are there any naming traditions in your country?


Yes, there are some naming traditions in Vietnam. Family names usually come first, followed by a middle name (often “Văn” for males and “Thị” for females), and finally, the given name. Parents often choose meaningful names with positive qualities they hope their children will embody.

Question 5: Do you like your name? Why/why not?


Yes, I do like my name. It represents my cultural identity and heritage. Moreover, it has a poetic touch with the “Văn” part, which I find beautiful and unique.

Question 6: If you could change your name, would you? What name would you choose?


While I appreciate my current name, I think it would be interesting to have a different name. If I were to choose another name, I might go with “Minh Hạnh.” “Minh” means “bright,” and “Hạnh” means “virtuous.” Together, the name would signify a person who embodies brightness and virtue.

Question 7: Do names have any cultural significance in your country?


Yes, names are of great cultural significance in Vietnam. They often reflect our country’s history, traditions, and values. Names are chosen thoughtfully to ensure a positive and meaningful impact on the individual’s life.

Question 8: What’s the most popular name in your country?


As of my last knowledge update, common names like “Nguyễn” and “Trần” are still among the most popular family names in Vietnam. For given names, “Linh” and “Nam” have been quite popular for a long time.

Question 9: Have you ever given a nickname to someone or received a nickname yourself?


Yes, nicknames are quite common in Vietnam, and I’ve given and received a few. For example, I nicknamed my friend “Tú” because she is very clever and quick-witted. Some friends call me “Anh” as a shortened form of my name “Nguyễn Văn An.”

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Names Vocabulary

English Vietnamese
Full name Họ và tên đầy đủ
Special meaning Ý nghĩa đặc biệt
Famous people Người nổi tiếng
Naming traditions Truyền thống đặt tên
Family values Giá trị gia đình
Cultural significance Ý nghĩa văn hóa
Popularity Sự phổ biến
Nickname Bí danh, biệt danh
Heritage Di sản
Virtuous Có đạo đức, có đức tính
Bright Tươi sáng, sáng sủa
Cheerful Vui vẻ, hồ hởi
Radiant Tỏa sáng, tỏa nắng
Ethnic background Dân tộc, nguồn gốc dân tộc
Positive qualities Những phẩm chất tích cực
Academy Award Giải thưởng Oscar
Poetic Thơ mộng, có tính thơ
Imaginative Sáng tạo, tưởng tượng

Lời kết

Trên đây là gợi ý trả lời mẫu và từ vựng chủ đề IELTS Speaking Names. Hãy luyện tập mỗi ngày để ngày một thành thạo hơn – cũng như dành thời gian nghiên cứu kho bài mẫu IELTS của WESET và đăng ký nhận bản tin để nâng cấp năng lực tiếng Anh bạn nhé!

Sample Speaking theo các chủ đề khác:


– Cam kết IELTS đầu ra 6.5+ bằng văn bản

– Đội ngũ giáo viên có điểm IELTS trung bình từ 7.5, có chứng chỉ sư phạm/ TESOL/ CELTA

– Tư vấn và học thử miễn phí

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