IELTS Speaking: Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

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Bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 với chủ đề mô tả tiết học tiếng Anh ấn tượng mà bạn được tham gia

Đề thi IELTS Speaking về chủ đề hãy mô tả một tiết học tiếng Anh ấn tượng mà bạn được tham gia

IELTS Speaking part 2 –  Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

You should say: 

  • What it was about
  • When you had it
  • What the teacher did
  • And why you enjoyed the lesson.


What it was about Well, to be frank, English is not a subject that I have always given much thought to, but should there be an English lesson that has stuck in my mind for a long time, that would be my story-telling technique session.
When you had it If my memory serves me right, the lesson took place during my secondary years, or in grade 6 precisely, when we first learned about events and how to link them together. Let me tell you, at first I thought it was going to bore me till death since story-telling isn’t my thing, but the teacher somehow made it enjoyable.
What the teacher did So basically, she presented us with a picture of a wedding on the beach and she had us work in groups of 3 to construct a story of our own.

Each member of the groups took turns thinking of at least one event to make up the plot of the story, and ultimately, the last member had to wind up by connecting the events and narrating the whole story.

And why you enjoyed the lesson What I loved most about the lesson was that the teacher gave us the freedom to embroider our tales, so the possibilities were endless. We were actually engaged in the activity to keep the chain of events going and do the role-playing of the characters.

The class atmosphere was filled with missionary zeal as we were big on designing our characters. Then we finalized every part of our brilliant literary work and added some personal touch to our stories.

To put it in a nutshell, we had a whale of a time with our imagination in our own fantasy world and this has got to be one of the coolest English lessons I have ever had in my life!


IELTS Speaking part 3

1. Why are some kids better at English than others?

A few naturally gifted youngsters are born with a linguistic ability that pretty much facilitates their language-learning process. These kids are able to develop and utilize their sense of language on a daily basis. Another thing that comes to my mind is parental support. Aside from sending their kids to language centers, parents also encourage their child to read bilingual books or turn on some English cartoons for them to watch during mealtimes, which fosters their interest in the language and increases the younger generation’s language exposure, thus answering the question of why some children simply excel in the English language.

2. What human qualities do you think would make a good teacher?

From where I stand, being a virtuous educator certainly requires a number of attributes that more or less contribute to their career success. For starters, patience is an indispensable virtue when one gets to work with students. Some learners, from their youngest to oldest years of life, are pretty slow in their learning progress, in which a teacher must be patient enough to guide them through the lessons and respond to their needs. Besides, a high sense of discipline will likely earn an educator respect from his or her students, colleagues, and sometimes even parents of the young learners. I reckon that teachers are bound to set a good example for the young citizens, who regard them as role models for them to look up to.

3. Why do some parents want their children to be good at foreign languages?

Well, if you ask me, it’s actually nothing new when bilingualism is the skill set that every parent wants to equip their children with. One of the merits of knowing two (or more) languages has to do with the child’s curiosity about the world around him or her. By familiarizing themselves with new vocabulary and grammatical patterns, kids are perceiving their surroundings in a whole new way. Another plus point of being bilingual at an early age is that these young citizens tend to express more empathy than their peers. When children learn a new language, they are also getting to know the customs, people, and other cultural aspects of that target language, which develops their cultural awareness.


Part 2

  • Give thought to (phrase): cân nhắc, suy nghĩ kĩ
  • Stick in someone’s mind (phrase): nhớ lại 
  • Bore someone till death (phrase): khiến cho ai đó chán chường
  • Wind up (phrase): kết thúc một hoạt động
  • Narrate (v): kể chuyện
  • Embroider someone’s tales (phrase): thêm thắt các chi tiết tưởng tượng để khiến cho câu chuyện thêm phần sinh động
  • Missionary zeal (n): sự hào hứng, nhiệt tình cực độ
  • Be big on someone/something (phrase): cực kì thích thú
  • Have a whale of a time (phrase): tận hưởng, thích thú

Part 3

  • Naturally gifted (a): có năng khiếu bẩm sinh
  • Facilitate (v): khiến cho một hoạt động nào đó trở nên dễ dàng hơn
  • Parental (a): liên quan đến cha mẹ
  • Bilingual books (n): sách song ngữ
  • Language exposure (n): sự va chạm, tiếp xúc của người học đối với ngôn ngữ mà họ đang theo học
  • Excel in something (v): giỏi xuất chúng, thuần thục 
  • Virtuous (a): kiểu mẫu, gương mẫu
  • Attribute (n): tố chất
  • For starters (phrase): đầu tiên thì
  • Indispensable (a): cần thiết
  • Virtue (n): đức hạnh
  • Sense of discipline (n): tinh thần kỉ luật cao
  • Earn respect from someone (phrase): được kính trọng 
  • Set an example for someone (phrase): là một ví dụ tiêu biểu cho người khác nhìn vào

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