IELTS Speaking Sports – Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample

Thể dục thể thao (Sports) không chỉ là thú vui của nhiều người trong chúng ta – bạn có biết đây cũng là một trong những chủ đề rất thường xuyên xuất hiện trong bài thi nói IELTS không? Đến với series bài mẫu hôm nay, hãy cùng WESET tìm hiểu topic IELTS Speaking Sports – thông qua các câu trả lời mẫu Part 1, 2, 3 sau đây bạn nhé!

IELTS Speaking Sports – Part 1

Q1: Do you like watching sports?

A1: Yes, I’m quite fond of watching sports. I find it exciting and enjoyable to see athletes showcase their skills and compete against each other. It’s a great way to unwind and appreciate the dedication and talent of sports professionals.

Q2: What kind of sports do you like to watch?

A2: I have a particular interest in football (soccer). The strategic nature of the game, combined with the skillful moves and teamwork involved, captivates me. Additionally, I also enjoy watching tennis as it’s a highly individualistic sport that requires immense focus and agility.

Q3: Have you ever played any sports?

A3: Absolutely! I have participated in various sports throughout my life. In my school days, I played basketball and was a member of the school team. I also engaged in badminton and table tennis during my leisure time. Currently, I’m actively involved in swimming as a form of exercise and recreation.

Q4: What are the benefits of playing sports?

A4: Playing sports offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it helps in maintaining physical fitness and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Sports also enhance mental well-being by reducing stress and improving concentration. Additionally, participating in sports fosters teamwork, discipline, and goal-setting skills, which are valuable in all aspects of life.

Q5: Do you think it’s important for children to play sports?

A5: Absolutely! I strongly believe that children should engage in sports activities. It not only promotes physical fitness but also aids in their overall development. Through sports, children learn important life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship. It also teaches them how to handle success and failure gracefully, which is crucial for their personal growth.

Q6: Are there any popular sports in your country?

A6: Yes, in my country, cricket holds a special place in the hearts of the people. It’s the most popular sport, and millions of fans follow it passionately. Football and badminton are also quite popular and have a significant fan base. Additionally, traditional sports like kabaddi and kho-kho have their own cultural significance and are cherished by many.

IELTS Speaking Sports – Part 2

Describe a sports event that you attended and found impressive. Please say:

  • What was the event?
  • When and where did it take place?
  • Who were the participants?
  • Explain why you found it impressive.

A: One sports event that left a lasting impression on me was the finals of a professional tennis tournament called the “Grand Slam Open.” The event took place in Melbourne, Australia, at the Rod Laver Arena, which is a renowned venue for tennis championships. The finals were held on a warm summer evening in January, attracting thousands of enthusiastic spectators.

The participants in this event were two legendary tennis players, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Both players are considered icons of the sport and have a remarkable rivalry. Their matches are always highly anticipated, and this particular final was no exception.

What made this sports event truly impressive was the level of skill and determination displayed by both players throughout the match. The intense rallies, precise shot placements, and powerful serves had the audience on the edge of their seats. It was a battle of athleticism, strategy, and mental strength. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with cheers and applause echoing through the arena after every exceptional shot.

Moreover, witnessing the sportsmanship and respect between Federer and Nadal was awe-inspiring. Despite the fierce competition, they displayed immense respect for each other’s abilities and embraced at the net after the match. It was a testament to the true spirit of sportsmanship and fair play.

Overall, this sports event left a profound impact on me because of the incredible skill and competitiveness demonstrated by the players. It was a thrilling experience to witness their mastery of the game and the remarkable athleticism on display. The event reinforced my love for tennis and served as a reminder of the passion and dedication required to excel in any sport.

IELTS Speaking Sports – Part 3

Q1: Why do you think some people are not interested in sports?

A1: There could be several reasons why some people are not interested in sports. Firstly, it could be a matter of personal preference. Not everyone finds sports appealing or enjoyable. Additionally, some individuals may have had negative experiences in the past, such as being pressured or criticized while participating in sports, which could have led to a lack of interest. Furthermore, cultural and societal factors can also play a role in shaping one’s interest in sports.

Q2: What are the benefits of promoting sports in schools?

A2: Promoting sports in schools offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it promotes physical fitness and helps combat sedentary lifestyles, which are becoming increasingly common among children. Sports also encourage teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills, fostering personal development. Moreover, participation in sports can improve academic performance as it instills discipline and time management skills. Overall, promoting sports in schools contributes to the holistic development of students.

Q3: Do you think professional athletes are good role models for young people?

A3: Professional athletes can certainly be good role models for young people. Their dedication, hard work, and perseverance in their respective sports can inspire youngsters to pursue their passions and strive for excellence. Moreover, athletes often embody qualities such as discipline, sportsmanship, and determination, which are valuable traits for young individuals to learn. However, it’s important to remember that not all professional athletes may exhibit positive behavior, so it’s essential for young people to have a well-rounded set of role models from various fields.

Q4: In your opinion, should sports be compulsory in schools?

A4: Personally, I believe that sports should be compulsory in schools. It not only promotes physical health but also teaches essential life skills. Through sports, students learn the value of teamwork, cooperation, and leadership, which are crucial attributes for success in any field. Additionally, participating in sports helps students develop a sense of discipline, time management, and resilience. It also provides a break from academic pressures, allowing students to refresh their minds and maintain a healthy balance between studies and physical activity.

Q5: How has the popularity of sports changed over the years?

A5: The popularity of sports has witnessed significant changes over the years. With the advancements in technology, sports coverage has become more accessible, leading to increased global interest. Moreover, the emergence of social media platforms has allowed fans to engage directly with their favorite athletes and teams, further boosting the popularity of sports. Additionally, the rise of professional leagues and tournaments has turned sports into a major industry, attracting immense attention and commercialization.

Từ vựng topic IELTS Speaking Sports

English Vietnamese
Sports Thể thao
Athlete Vận động viên
Competition Cuộc thi
Tournament Giải đấu
Team Đội
Player Cầu thủ
Spectator Khán giả
Match Trận đấu
Game Trò chơi
Skill Kỹ năng
Fitness Sức khỏe
Physical activity Hoạt động thể chất
Training Huấn luyện
Exercise Tập luyện
Sportsmanship Tinh thần thể thao
Fair play Trò chơi công bằng
Sports event Sự kiện thể thao
Championship Chung kết
Victory Chiến thắng
Defeat Thất bại
Score Tỷ số
Teamwork Làm việc nhóm
Strategy Chiến thuật
Coach Huấn luyện viên
Referee Trọng tài
Sports facilities Cơ sở thể dục thể thao
Sports equipment Thiết bị thể thao
Sports venue Địa điểm tổ chức thể thao
Sports industry Ngành công nghiệp thể thao
Physical fitness Thể lực
Endurance Sức bền
Agility Sự nhanh nhẹn
Stamina Thể lực, sức chịu đựng
Team spirit Tinh thần đồng đội
Dedication Sự cống hiến
Passion Niềm đam mê
Rivalry Sự cạnh tranh
Sports coverage Phủ sóng thể thao
Sportsmanship Tinh thần thể thao
Sedentary lifestyle Lối sống ít vận động
Role model Hình mẫu, tấm gương
Discipline Kỷ luật
Resilience Sự kiên cường
Commercialization Sự thương mại hóa

Lời kết

Hy vọng thông qua các bài mẫu Part 1, 2 và 3 trên đây, bạn đọc sẽ làm quen và tự tin hơn khi trình bày về topic IELTS Speaking Sports. Giống như thể dục thể thao đòi hỏi mỗi người phải tập luyện thường xuyên, bạn cũng hãy dành thời gian mỗi ngày để thực hành thêm kỹ năng nói theo từng chủ đề nhé!

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Sample Speaking theo các chủ đề khác:


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