IELTS Speaking: Describe a difficult decision you made and had a very good result

Việc đưa ra quyết định luôn đầy thử thách nhưng lại là một chủ đề phổ biến. Hiểu được điều này, WESET xin chia sẻ đến bạn đọc bài mẫu IELTS Speaking “Describe a difficult decision you made and had a very good result”. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu với WESET nhé!


Part 2: Describe a difficult decision you made and had a very good result

You should say:

  • What the decision was
  • When you made that decision
  • Why it was difficult to make

And explain how you felt about the good result.

What the decision was Well today I’m going to share with you about the time when I had to make a pretty tough decision, and that was when I decided to push myself to work hard for a particular academic result.
When you made that decision So, back in the day when I was still a high school freshman, I had to say, I was very neglectful of my study at first. All I did back then was constantly skipping classes to, you know, hang out with my friends at the internet cafes playing computer games and subsequently my school results were below average. In fact, I almost came last in class rank, which was truly embarrassing, especially for my parents. On top of that, they even warned me of transferring me to another school to separate me from my close friends.
Why it was difficult to make That was when I decided I needed a change. But I didn’t know where to start, so I put my focus on where I was at my best: English, and I’ll tell you the most difficult part of it was that I had to stay away from all the things I really liked to do, including hanging around at the café or playing computer games with my fellow buddies. It was not that I cut myself loose from them, but I did hang out with them less frequently.
And explain how you felt about the good result That was a long grind but finally it paid off somehow. I still performed badly in other subjects, but when it came to English, I made my way to the top three of the class and even won a chance to participate in a national competition for high school students, in the subject of English, and returned home with an honorable prize. It was not much and at this point I still don’t know if they were proud of me or not, but at least it was enough to persuade my parents out of transferring me, which really made me elated since I didn’t want to stay away from my best friends at all.

Part 3:

  • Do you think young people are easily influenced by others when they make a decision? Why or why not?

Well, from what I see, when it comes to decision-making, there are many factors affecting the process. They could be what decisions you make or whether you really know well about what you are doing. But I will admit that young people are more prone to external influences because they haven’t been mature enough to form a solid opinion. I mean, for example, speaking from my own experience, I have seen a lot of my childhood friends choosing what schools and majors to study based on what their mates and parents told them.

  • Do you think some people can make decisions without asking for advice?

Of course, Yes. I mean, not every single decision needs consultation, especially simple ones for yourselves. For example, I won’t need anyone’s help when determining what time to wake up in the morning or things like that. And even for bigger ones, I have met a lot of decisive people in my life who are really capable of making their own decisions and being responsible for them.

  • Do you think it’s necessary for kids to make as many decisions for themselves as possible?

To an extent, yes. Being decisive is a very important quality in life and letting your children make their own choices could be a good start. But I think there should be a limit because it could be risky somehow if you leave your kids to every decision, without a proper intervention.

New words and phrases

Part 2:

  • Tough decision (n): Quyết định khó khăn
  • Push somebody to do something (phrase): Thúc đẩy ai làm gì
  • Freshman (n): Học sinh năm đầu trung học 
  • Neglectful of something (phrase): Chểnh mảng, xao nhãng cái gì
  • Constantly (adv): Liên tục
  • Subsequently (adv): Và kết quả là 
  • Below average (adj): Dưới trung bình
  • Come last (v): Đứng cuối
  • On top of that (phrase): Hơn nữa là
  • Warn somebody of something (phrase): Cảnh báo ai chuyện gì
  • Transfer (v): Chuyển trường
  • Put my focus on (phrase): Tập trung vào cái gì
  • Be at one’s best (phrase): Giỏi nhất
  • The most difficult part of something is (phrase): Phần khó nhất của việc đó là 
  • Fellow buddies (n): Bạn thân
  • Cut oneself loose from somebody (phrase): cắt đứt (quan hệ) với ai
  • A long grind (n): 1 quá trình cày cuốc dài
  • Pay off (v): Được đền đáp
  • Make one’s way to (phrase): Lọt vào được, tiến vào được, đi đến được cái gì
  • Honourable prize (n): Giải khuyến khích
  • It was not much (phrase): Nó không nhiều nhặn gì
  • At this point (phrase): Tại thời điểm này
  • Persuade somebody out of something (phrase): Thuyết phục ai không làm gì
  • Elated (adj): Vui sướng

Part 3:

  • Decision-making (n): Sự ra quyết định
  • Be prone to something (adj): Dễ mắc/chịu phải cái gì
  • External influences (n): Tác động từ bên ngoài
  • Form a solid opinion (phrase): Tạo quan điểm vững chắc
  • Consultation (n): Sự tư vấn/tham khảo
  • Decisive (adj): Quyết đoán
  • Capable of doing something (phrase): Có khả năng làm gì
  • Proper intervention (n): Sự can thiệp đúng đắn

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Tham khảo những bài mẫu khác


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