IELTS Speaking: Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

Hình ảnh không chỉ là những bức hình, mà còn là những câu chuyện. Bạn có câu chuyện tự hào nào muốn kể qua một bức ảnh của mình không? Hãy thử chia sẻ câu chuyện ấy dưới dạng một bài thi IELTS Speaking nhé.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2&3 mô tả một bức ảnh mà bạn vô cùng tự hào

Đề thi IELTS Speaking part 2&3 chủ đề mô tả bức ảnh mà bạn vô cùng tự hào

IELTS Speaking part 2: Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

You should say

  • Who/What did you take photo of
  • When did you take this photo
  • What is the photo about
  • And explain why you feel proud of the photo.


Who/What did you take photo of The photo I’d like to describe is a picture of myself on my high school graduation day. It was a momentous occasion for me, and the photograph perfectly captures a significant milestone in my life. The picture was taken by my mother, right when I was being presented with my graduation certificate on the stage.
When did you take this photo I took this photo back in June 2017, during the graduation ceremony at my high school. It was a cool evening, and the event was held in the school’s courtyard. Students were dressed in student gowns and caps, and the air was filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia as we prepared to bid farewell to our high school years.
What is the photo about The photo itself showcases me standing on the stage, my cap and gown on, holding my graduation certificate with a proud smile on my face. I remember feeling a rush of emotions at that moment – a blend of accomplishment, plans for the future, and gratitude for the years I spent at that school. The cheering of my classmates in the background adds to the overall charm of the photo.
And explain why you feel proud of the photo. I’m particularly proud of this photo because it represents a sense of maturity and growth. Graduating from high school wasn’t just about completing a chapter of my education; it marked the transition into adulthood and the pursuit of higher aspirations. When I look at the photo, I’m reminded of the hard work, dedication, and perseverance I put into my studies. It also symbolizes the support and encouragement I received from my family, teachers, and friends, all of which played a crucial role in my journey.

IELTS Speaking part 3

1. Why do some people like to record important things with photos?

It is because photos can capture crucial moments, satisfying our need to preserve memories, evoke nostalgia, and highlight milestones. People frequently take photos to  encapsulate fleeting emotions, past stories and marking achievements like graduations or weddings. More than that, as digital develops, photos safeguard cherished experiences, serving as tangible links to the past and allowing us to share our stories with generations to come.

2. What can people learn from historical photographs?

Historical photos might capture brief moments, making deep learning a challenge. However, they can clearly show the spirit and feelings of the time. While specific details might be unclear, the emotions and atmosphere in these photos teach us about the past and help us understand its significance better.

3. Is taking photos the best way to remember something?

Certainly yes, taking photos has become an excellent way to remember something, primarily due to the advancement of technology. With smartphones, people can now conveniently capture moments with high-quality photos at any time. The convenience of having a camera ensures that we can document experiences instantaneously, preserving memories in vivid detail. This ease of use and accessibility has transformed photography into an efficient and effective means of remembering important events and cherished memories.

New words and phrases

Part 2

  • Momentous (adj): Quan trọng
  • Capture (v): Bắt lại, chụp lại
  • Milestone (n): Thành tựu
  • Student gown (n): Bộ đồ tốt nghiệp
  • Farewell (n): Lời tạm biệt
  • Nostalgia (n): Hồi ức
  • Showcase (v): Cho thấy
  • Accomplishment (n): Thành quả
  • Gratitude (n): Sự biết ơn
  • A sense of maturity and growth: Cảm giác về sự trưởng thành
  • Adulthood (n): Tuổi trường thành
  • Aspirations (n): Khát vọng
  • Perseverance (n): Sự kiên trì

Part 3

  • Evoke (v): Gợi lên
  • Fleeting (adj): Thoáng qua
  • Tangible (adj): Hữu hình
  • Spirit (n): Tinh thần
  • Instantaneously (adv): Ngay tức thời
  • Vivid (adj): Sống động
  • Accessibility (n): Khả năng truy cập
  • Photography (n): Nhiếp ảnh

Có thể bạn quan tâm

IELTS Speaking: Describe a special cake you receive from others

IELTS Speaking: Describe someone you really like to spend time with

IELTS Speaking: Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend


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