IELTS Speaking Topic Charity – Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample

Cùng WESET trở lại series bài mẫu Speaking với chủ đề IELTS Speaking Topic Charity bạn nhé!

IELTS Speaking Topic Charity

IELTS Speaking Topic Charity – Part 1

Q1: Do you think people should donate money to charities?

A1: Absolutely, I believe that donating money to charities is essential. Charities play a crucial role in addressing various social issues, such as poverty, education, and healthcare. Donations provide vital resources to these organizations, enabling them to make a meaningful impact on society. It’s a way for individuals to contribute to the greater good and make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Q2: What types of charities are there in your country?

A2: In my country, there is a wide range of charities addressing various issues. We have charities focused on poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and even animal welfare. Some are national organizations, while others operate locally to address specific community needs. This diversity allows individuals to support causes they are passionate about and ensure that help reaches those who need it most.

Q3: Have you ever volunteered for a charity or a non-profit organization?

A3: Yes, I have volunteered for a charity in the past. I volunteered at a local food bank, where I helped organize and distribute food to low-income families. It was a rewarding experience to see the direct impact of my efforts on people’s lives. Volunteering not only allows you to give back to the community but also helps you develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those in need.

Q4: Do you think charity organizations are doing a good job in your country?

A4: I believe that many charity organizations in my country are doing an excellent job. They work tirelessly to address pressing issues and make a positive impact on society. However, like any sector, there may be some variations in the effectiveness of different organizations. It’s essential for donors to research and choose reputable charities that are transparent about their operations and the allocation of funds. Overall, though, the charitable sector in my country plays a vital role in improving the lives of many.

Q5: Why do you think some people are more willing to donate to charity than others?

A5: People’s willingness to donate to charity can vary for several reasons. Some individuals may have a personal connection to a particular cause, making them more passionate and willing to give. Others might be influenced by their financial situation; those with more disposable income may be more generous. Additionally, cultural and societal factors, as well as personal values and beliefs, can play a significant role in determining one’s willingness to donate. Ultimately, it’s a deeply personal decision influenced by a combination of factors.

IELTS Speaking Topic Charity – Part 2

Describe a charity event you participated in. You should say:

  • What the event was
  • When and where it took place
  • How you got involved
  • How the event made you feel


I’d like to talk about a charity event that I participated in a couple of years ago. It was a memorable experience that left a lasting impression on me.

The event I want to describe was a charity run called “Run for Hope.” It took place in my hometown, which is a relatively small city in the spring of 2019. The event was organized to raise funds for underprivileged children’s education and healthcare needs in our community.

I got involved in this event through a friend who was actively volunteering for the charity organization responsible for the run. They were looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the event, such as registration, route supervision, and distributing water to the runners. When my friend mentioned this opportunity to me, I immediately jumped at the chance to contribute to a noble cause.

The run was held on a sunny Saturday morning in a local park. Participants from all walks of life, including families, students, and professionals, gathered to support the cause. As a volunteer, I had the opportunity to interact with the runners and hear their stories about why they were participating. It was heartwarming to see so many people coming together for a common purpose.

As for how the event made me feel, it was an incredibly fulfilling experience. Seeing the community’s collective efforts to support disadvantaged children left me with a sense of hope and unity. The event reminded me of the power of individuals coming together to make a positive change in society. It was not just about running; it was about making a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. It reaffirmed my belief in the importance of charity work and the role each of us can play in creating a better world.

Overall, this charity run was a remarkable event, and I’m grateful to have been a part of it. It reinforced the idea that even small contributions and acts of kindness can have a significant ripple effect in helping those less fortunate.

IELTS Speaking Topic Charity – Part 3

Q1: Why do you think some people are more inclined to donate to charity than others?

A1: People’s inclination to donate to charity can be influenced by a variety of factors. Firstly, personal values and beliefs play a significant role. Some individuals are raised in environments that emphasize the importance of giving back to the community, making them more inclined to donate. Secondly, exposure to social issues and personal experiences can drive people to contribute. Those who have witnessed poverty or suffering firsthand may be more motivated to help. Lastly, the ease of donating and the trustworthiness of the charity organization can also impact people’s willingness to donate.

Q2: What do you think are the benefits of charity work for society as a whole?

A2: Charity work offers numerous benefits to society. Firstly, it addresses critical social issues such as poverty, hunger, and healthcare disparities, improving the overall well-being of a community. Secondly, it fosters a sense of unity and compassion among people, strengthening social bonds. Charity work also encourages civic engagement and volunteerism, which can have a positive impact on local communities. Moreover, it highlights societal problems and encourages discussions and solutions, ultimately driving positive change.

Q3: Some argue that charity work should be solely the responsibility of governments. What is your opinion on this?

A3: While governments play a crucial role in addressing social issues through policies and programs, I believe that charity work should not be solely their responsibility. Charity organizations and individuals have unique advantages, such as agility and the ability to address specific, immediate needs that government systems may not efficiently handle. Additionally, involving charities and individuals allows for a broader range of perspectives and innovative approaches to social problems. Ideally, there should be a collaborative effort between governments, charities, and individuals to create a more comprehensive approach to addressing societal issues.

Q4: How can individuals choose reliable and effective charities to donate to?

A4: Choosing reliable and effective charities is crucial to ensure that your donations have a meaningful impact. Firstly, research is essential. Look for charities with a transparent track record, clear mission statements, and detailed financial reports. Websites like Charity Navigator can provide valuable insights into their performance. Secondly, consider the percentage of funds that go directly to programs and services rather than administrative costs. A reputable charity should allocate a significant portion of donations to its mission. Lastly, consider seeking recommendations from friends or family who have experience with charity work. By doing your due diligence, you can make informed decisions about where to donate your money.

Q5: How can governments encourage people to engage in charity work and donate more to charitable causes?

A5: Governments can play a significant role in encouraging charity work and donations. Firstly, they can offer tax incentives for charitable contributions, making it financially attractive for individuals and businesses to donate. Secondly, public awareness campaigns can be launched to highlight the importance of charity work and its positive impact on society. Additionally, creating partnerships between government agencies and charities can help streamline efforts and resources. Lastly, educational programs in schools and communities can promote the values of empathy and giving back from a young age, fostering a culture of philanthropy.

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking Topic Charity Vocabulary

English Word/Phrase Vietnamese Translation
Charity Từ thiện
Donation Sự quyên góp
Volunteer Tình nguyện viên
Non-profit organization Tổ chức phi lợi nhuận
Fundraising Gây quỹ
Philanthropy Từ thiện
Community Cộng đồng
Alleviate poverty Giảm nghèo
Humanitarian Nhân đạo
Empathy Sự đồng cảm
Outreach Tiếp cận, đến gần
Charitable organization Tổ chức từ thiện
Social impact Tác động xã hội
Involvement Sự tham gia
Sustainable development Phát triển bền vững
Human rights Quyền con người
Disadvantaged Người khó khăn
Financial transparency Sự minh bạch tài chính
Poverty alleviation Giảm nghèo
Civic engagement Tham gia công dân
Public awareness Nhận thức của công chúng
Outreach program Chương trình tiếp cận
Local community Cộng đồng địa phương
Empowerment Sự trao quyền
Social responsibility Trách nhiệm xã hội
Humanitarian aid Viện trợ nhân đạo
Vulnerable populations Những tầng lớp dễ bị tổn thương

Lời kết

Hy vọng qua bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Charity trên đây, bạn đọc sẽ tìm được nhiều kiến thức bổ ích cho quá trình chuẩn bị cho bài thi nói IELTS. Để làm quen với các topic Speaking thông dụng khác, bạn đọc có thể tham khảo qua thư viện bài mẫu của WESET – tổng hợp bởi đội ngũ chuyên môn của trung tâm. Đừng quên đăng ký nhận bản tin và xem qua các khóa học IELTS của WESET để có thêm lựa chọn cho hành trang nâng cao năng lực tiếng Anh của mình bạn nhé!

Sample Speaking theo chủ đề khác:


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– Tư vấn và học thử miễn phí

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